

The company was identified as a "specialized, refined and new" small and medium-sized enterprise in Shandong Province

Recently, the Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology announced the 2022 list of "specialized, specialized, and new" small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong Province, and the company is on the list.

This identification is based on the "Administrative Measures for the Identification of "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Shandong Province" (Lu Gongxin Fa [2020] No. 7) and "About the Development of "Specialized, Specialized and New" Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and "Stars" in Shandong Province in 2022. According to the spirit of the documents such as the “Notice on the Cultivation and Recognition of “Unicorn” Enterprises” and other documents, 2,683 enterprises including Shandong Province have been identified as “specialized experts in Shandong Province in 2022” through the voluntary declaration of enterprises, the recommendation by the competent authorities of small and medium-sized enterprises in various cities, expert review and publicity. "Special new" small and medium-sized enterprises, valid for three years.



In recent years, by implementing the development strategy of "specialization, refinement, specialization and innovation", the company insists on "professional development, refined and efficient enterprise modernization management, research and production of products with local and corporate characteristics, technological innovation and management innovation". ” and other work have developed in an all-round way, and various economic indicators, modern management level, new product research and development, social credit, etc. of the enterprise have been significantly improved, which has promoted the healthy and steady development of the enterprise.